You probably know Japanese cuisine SUSHI and TEMPURA, however, do you know SOMEN? SOMEN is a Japanese noodle made from wheat and is much skinnier than other Japanese noodles.
How skinny it is do you think?
Noodles are eaten all over the world, from the Italian pastas, Chinese noodles to the numerous other types of Asian noodles.
When I visit noodle restaurants in Thailand, I can choose the noodle from 4 different kind of noodles and eat with 4 traditional seasonings as own taste. I love Thai noodle very much.
The Japanese noodle SOMEN is from ancient times. Now in Japan, people eat SOMEN daily, especially in the summer. However, in olden days, due to the difficultly of importing precious wheat, only people of the court could eat SOMEN. SOMEN has been a court cuisine for long time.
The Italian pasta “angel hair” is a famous skinny noodle. However, the world's skinniest noodle is in Nara. One of the SOMEN of famous SOMEN brand YAMAMOTO developed a 0.3mm SOMEN. In every 10g, 300 sticks are produced!

I recomend using "SHIRAGA" in Soup.