We can find a variety of color from many different types of places in Thailand such asGreen (trees), Pink (taxis), Red (temple candles or Satellite TV antennas), Yellow (roofs, doors temple candles, and spices), Gold (Buddha icons and temple roofs), Orange ( the attire of a Buddhist priest) etc. Thai food also has vivid and energetic colors – Green (herbs), Red (chilies, curry paste, prawns, shrimp, watermelon shakes!), Yellow (curry paste) .
(See the photos: from the top : many kinds of curry pastes in the market.)
Thai cuisine uses variety of herbs and spices making it one of the reasons the Thai table is so colorful. Royal Thai Cuisine is wonderful. Thai porcelain, called 'Benjarong' is used as a part of the culinary experience.
The word 'Benjarong,' literally means 'five colors'. The painted decoration usually consists of 3 to 8 colors. So the Thai define their cuisine and heritage by serving the carved vegetables and the fruits together in the Benjarong.
When I talked with Mr. Surasak Kongsawat, the chief chef of the prestigious royal Thai cuisine restaurant (Frequented by the Royal family), " Benjarong" at Hotel Dusit Thani Bangkok, he said, "Thai cuisine is not only hot but also a delicate cuisine." The beautifully decorated cuisine with colorful carving vegetables and fruit - This is the Royal Thai Cuisine.

Both Thai and Japanese people love noodles very much. I enjoy combining Thai and Japanese cuisine - Thai green curry and the Japanese thin noodle SOMEN. The SOMEN noodle is very versatile and can be just as good with curry as rice.

1. Boil SOMEN until cooked. (about 3 minutes) 2. Prepare Thai green curry using paste. 3. Serve the noodles in bowls with this curry and ENJOY!
for your reference: photos of Thailand photos of Thailand 2
Thailand has a variety of colors in its towns and cuisine (Japanese vergion)